Dr. Mozaffari, ND is a registered Naturopathic Doctor with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO) in good standing. She graduated from Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), Toronto in 2019, where she obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy Degree. Dr. Mozaffari, ND also holds a professional
membership with the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND), and Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND). She completed her internship in Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (RSNC) and Brampton Civic Naturopathic Teaching Clinic, where she provided naturopathic treatments for several non-emergent, common, and chronic health conditions such as patients with chronic digestive disorders, menses issues, fatigue, stress, low mood, thyroid issues, diabetes, etc., under the supervision of regulated and experienced naturopathic doctors. During her internship she had the opportunity to see a total number of 280 patients and completed 1200 hours of clinical training.
Prior to joining CCNM, and moving to Canada, she obtained her master’s degree in Agronomy and Crop Science and her bachelor’s degree in Plant Pathology in Iran.
Dr. Mozaffari, ND Healthcare Approach:
Dr. Mozaffari, ND is passionate to support her patients to reach their health goals through adjunctive natural therapies. She also truly believe that the conventional and naturopathic medicine can go hand in hand in the form of integrative medicine, leading to the ultimate health results for the patients. She enjoys educating her patients about their health conditions, getting them involved in their healing process, and providing them with individualized treatment plan. She is offering holistic approach through lifestyle and diet counselling, prescribing herbal and nutritional dietary supplements, and applying Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Acupuncture. She practices general naturopathy with a special focus in supporting women health, common digestive issues, and common skin health disorders.